Another challenge I learned about from Patti. She seems to have a lot of fun with this challenge I noticed over the time I've been a follower on her blog she has done several of these.
I thought It was time I give it a try. She is always producing some nice work for this challenge.
Well let me tell you, first off it is way harder than it sounds. I started with a really great idea(ok you can already see how this is going) I was going to "make" ornaments using the emboss resist, and sponging method. I love my flourish type stamps and thought the would be perfect for the process. I also have a set of I call them fancy borders/scrolls from Inkadikado. I would hang the ornaments from one of those. So I lightly drew out the design on PL 120# white look great at this stage. Inked up the ends of some of the flourish stamps and clear embossed. Put my nestie circles down as a frame for my sponging, oops over shot the nestie a bit. Realizing the problem I quickly cut my nestie out using typing paper making sure there was enough room to catch any over sponging. Turned the card over and started again. This time the embossing didn't look right! Gave up on this idea. Now I'm on the inside of the card. Found a sprig of berries and a pine branch to put in an oval stamp. Yep I didn't use my stamp-a-ma-jig and missed How could anyone miss getting this little image in this big oval? Ok so I pulled out the stamp -a-ma jig now on the fourth side of the one layer card! Still wasn't all that pleased wanted too add something. I wanted some inspiration so I looked down the blog at all the entries. They were all ornaments! I didn't want to do what everyone has. So there you have it my one layer card that took up 5 sides of a card and over 2 hours! LOL I think I need more practice at this challenge site.
Thanks for stopping by, be back soon. Have a great day.

You crack me up! I have days like that! I think one-layer Wednesday is one of the hardest challenges! Love this it's awesome!
I am so not ready to start Christmas, but you sure did make this one layer awesome!
Boy does that story sound familiar. You must have been watching me! And then, just slap something down and, Eureka! It's perfect! Go figure. LOL. This one is great. Probably the others weren't so bad either!
What a wonderful scene! Sorry it took you so long to get there, but at least you have a funny story we can ALL relate to, LOL!
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