This is my very first entry in the Soul-Scrappers site. This is a theme challenge and the theme is "Who means the world to you?"
This little lady has been in my life for the past 14 years. I held her before anyone in the delivery room. I was the first to touch this new life, not mom or dad. Funny, that right there should have told me how much power she would have in my life.
Of course my Husband and other grand kids also mean the world to me, but this one is special. She has the power to make my day and rip my heart out and believe she has done both. It was because of her I even started scrapping booking and making cards, long story and some day I may share it and some of my followers already know the story.
If you would like to learn the details of the page you can find them here. That's it for today!
I better get something done for tomorrow. I hope to make two cards before I have to go to work.
Have a wonderful evening.
This is one gorgeous SB page GF! The first gchild always has that power over you!
This is gorgeous -- looking forward to seeing more of your pages this coming year.
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