Yes, I'm back one more time! It's been a very busy day. You all know how I hate to miss Joan's Challenges ..... I didn't think I would make this one because I'm trying to only make things I can use and only use my stash. Then I remembered this box I purchased from Michael's for 50 cents way back in September. My intention was to make Elizabeth a little jewelry box for Christmas.
Since I was so sick just before and during Christmas I wasn't able to make it. So now it's for her 3rd birthday in August. I hope it doesn't get buried in this mess by then LOL On with the challenge. Joan asked us to make/alter a box, make a flower, add a butterfly and a flourish. I doubled check and they are all there! I'm really trying to keep her a girl but with 3 older brothers it's going to be hard. But she likes pretty things so there is a chance.
I promise I'm done for the night because I'm wiped out. The football game? Well lets just forget it happened. Since I'm living in the state that beat my beloved Bears. Yes I do live undercover :)
Have a wonderful evening or day depending on when you are catching up with me.
Thanks for stopping by :)
Lovely box and definitely very "girlie"!
The box is gorgeous, she will love it!!!!
I love the color combo you used on this very pretty box!
I am glad you found time to join the challenge this week. Your box is so pretty and your daughter will love it.
Thanks so much for playing Joan's Gardens #3 weekly Challenge. I love seing all the ideas!
Morning! Sorrry your team lost, but my Steelers won! (insert sticking out my tongue). You have created a treasure for little Elizabeth. Maybe she can use it for barrettes now. Now I have to go make a box.
Super adorable box GF! I'm sure Elizabeth will love it! DH wasn't happy with the game either );
What an adorable box for her....she will love it. Your flower is so pretty. Sorry about the game, my team hasn't won in so long I wouldn't know how to act. Take care.
I stopped over from The Snowman Blog Hop after I read the story about you and your daughter Valerie. I AM SO SORRY...
Our stories are quite similar...
My only daughter Amy beat cancer and WENT HOME TO THE LOVING ARMS OF HER HEAVENLY FATHER but it left me grieving deeply for almost 15 months. My daughter was an artist.
You have my respect for being in a club that has dues that are impossible to pay for membership and no parent ever volunteers to join...we aren't given a chance to say no way do we want to belong.
I became your newest follower and I would be thrilled if you visited me and honored if you joined my blog. My profile picture is an art project Amy made for me before she died. LULU Kellogg put Amy's name on the butterfly wing of the dress mannequin. It brings me comfort to see her name there...she loved butterflies. She use to in high school and the first two years of college have a friend named Valerie.
So very nice to meet you...I hope we can become friends.
Simply Debbie
Hi Colleen, I've been enjoying all the cards and projects your friends made for your blog hop. How fabulous is this hobby of ours when we meet and make such good friends. Thinking of you as I'm sure you'll feel a mixture of sadness along with the pleasure when you check out the hop!
Sending hugs from an extremely hot Sydney!!!!! xx
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