An award from one of my cyber buddies, Mary Anne. From time to time these awards show up, what is really fun about these is the way you can connect to others. I still can't figure out how to get these on my side bar though.
Q1) Name your favorite colour? red
Q2) Name your favorite song? Greatest Love of All
Q3) Name your favorite dessert? brownie
Q4) What annoys you at the moment? work
Q5) Your favorite pet? hard to pick one out of seven I love them all for different reasons.
Q6) Black or White? LOL, white
Q7) Your biggest fear? tornados
Q8) Best Feature? my eyes
Q9) Everyday attitude? settled
Q10) What is perfection? is there such a thing
Q11) Guilty Pleasure? bubble bath
Q12) When you're upset you? cry
We are supposed to pass this around, however I think everyone has it already. So if you don't go ahead and pick it up.
Have a wonderful day.
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