OK, let me see if I can get through this without tears, nope!
The about me challenge at Soul-Scrappers was to scrap a special bond. It could be a husband, family member, pet ect.
Although my husband and I can often finish each others sentences, there is still enough differences there to keep it interesting. I would say the one and only person that was totally like me, well to be truthful she was even stronger than I was, is my daughter.
She was very passionate in everything she did and always did the very best she could. She wouldn't take anything from anyone, but was always there if someone need her. Her strength and compassion always amazed me for her being so young.
One of the best memories I have is going to her apartment one evening after speaking with her on the phone (we were an hour apart) without notice. I picked up some funny face glasses you know the kind and some bubbles. I was wearing the glasses and blowing bubbles when she answered the door I took her hand and took her out to the swing set. We laughed so hard and I pushed her so high she almost went over the bars. So many memories!!!!!
She managed to ace all her finals that week and make the dean's list for the second year in a row.
I have to go to work in about an hour so I better get going. I've been putting in some very long hours again. Seven hours on your feet at my age with no break in site is getting old fast. I'm sick of crabby customers and all the constant heavy lifting.
Have a wonderful day I think I will be back before work tomorrow!
What a beautiful page -- so soft and lovely! I'm sure there are a few of us with tears as we read about your wonderful daughter. Take care of yourself -- she would want you to!
This might just be my all time page you have done of Valerie! Everything is so well placed and it is gorgeous! Don't let that job break you in any way, shape or form! Jim is off again today, soooooooooo.
Beautiful page and awesome story!!!! she sounds like a hell of a gal!!! Hang in, work at our age is hard enough without all the BS that goes with it, but if you are like me, I gotta work, like to eat to much LOL
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